Home Care Health Services

Health Services at Home - Ace Hospital Pune

We understand that there are times when recovering from an illness, managing a chronic condition, or simply aging gracefully requires personalized attention and assistance in the familiar surroundings of your own home. That’s why we are proud to offer comprehensive and professional home care services, delivered by a team of dedicated and experienced healthcare professionals.

At ACE Hospital, our mission is to provide exceptional medical care, comfort, and peace of mind to our patients and their families, ensuring that every individual receives the highest quality of care right where they belong – at home.

Comprehensive Home Care Health Services

  • Foley's catheter change/ insertion
  • lV / lM injections
  • Asup oil insertion
  • Dressing
  • Consultation by CMO
  • Random BSL
  • Blood pressure
  • Temperature
  • Enema / Basti

Avail Home Care Health Services Here

Experience compassionate and professional home care services with ACE Hospital, where comfort meets expert healthcare.

    Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Urology Treatments

    Do I need a prescription for procedures that can be done at home?

    Yes, in most cases, a prescription is required for procedures that can be done at home to ensure your safety and proper guidance during the process.

    Who should I contact to obtain a prescription?

    Reach out to your healthcare provider, such as your primary care physician or a specialist, who is familiar with your medical history and can assess the suitability of the procedure for you.

    Is it safe to choose home care health services for medical care at home?

    The strict implementation of aseptic precautions by highly qualified and trained healthcare professionals at Ace Hospital, ensures the safety and security of procedures, making home care health services a safe choice for medical care.

    How is the payment determined for home care services provided by the hospital?

    • The calculation of payment for home care services offered by the hospital follows a structured approach based on various factors.
    • The hospital will communicate the appropriate healthcare procedures based on the patient’s specific inquiry. Following this, the payment information will be provided to the patients in accordance with the outlined procedure.

    Who are the qualified staff members involved in providing home care health services?

    Qualified staff members typically include healthcare professionals such as registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and certified home health aides who have received appropriate training and certification for providing medical care in home settings.

    How do qualified staff members ensure aseptic precautions in the home care setting?

    Qualified staff members follow established protocols to maintain aseptic precautions. This includes proper hand hygiene, wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), using sterile equipment and supplies, disinfecting surfaces, and implementing infection control practices specific to each procedure.

    Under what circumstances will a doctor be sent for the procedure?

    A doctor will be sent only if the procedure needs to be done under doctor requisition.

    Important Caution Notice Regarding Home Care Health Services offered by Ace Hospital

    At Ace Hospital, we strive to provide the best possible care and ensure the safety of our patients. In some cases, unforeseen complications may arise during a procedure that requires us to cancel the procedure and request the patient to visit the hospital. We want to keep you informed about this possibility to ensure transparency and preparedness.

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